Above & Beyond Inc.
by Domenica Mazepa

2 Antoinette Court,
Hamilton, Ontario
L9B 2E7
Medium Readings
Lenormand Readings
Tarot Readings
Tea Leaf card readings
Tea Leaf Readings
Removal of negative energy
At seven years old I knew that I could feel things before they happened. My friend and I were playing in front of my parents' northend home in Hamilton, Ontario. At once I felt this fear come over me. I told my friend she had to go home. I ran inside sobbing to my mother that I was scared but I didn't know what I was scared about. No sooner did my mother sit me on the counter next to her where she had been washing some vegetables that we heard a bang outside (maybe about 2 minutes after the fear came over me). We quickly ran to the front porch and noticed a driver had hit a motorcyclist. The motorcyclist had died on impact. This was my very first sign of the gift I had. As years progressed the feelings, visuals, audios got clearer. It wasn't until my father died in 1988 (at the age of 59) that I could constantly hear his messages and feel him around me. At that time my mother and I promised each other that whoever died first we would give messages to the other. Never a sick day in her life, my mother succumbed to mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lungs caused by asbestos) 7 months after being diagnosed also at the age of 59. Having a toddler and a baby I felt completely lost without her. Just when I needed her most I lost her. Emotions bottled up. I refused to talk to anyone about my loss.
I remember curling up into a little ball and just wanting to stay in that position forever. I could just not resign myself to the fact that my mother was gone. The pain was unbearable and I had to find a way to continually communicate with my parents.
I had heard about automatic writing and started my journey. I had found a way to make contact with both my parents. Secretly, I never told anyone as I didn't want a label put on me. I decided it was time to come out with it and help other people who had lost loved ones. The greatest gift of all is seeing the joyful tears of clients when I validate to them that their loved ones are near. This gift I have been truly blessed with, I dedicate to my parents-- Giuseppe and Concetta Calabria -thank you for all your help. Even after you have left this world you continue to help me. I dedicate all the joyful tears from my clients to you and raise my glass to you. Salute!!